2020 at Alignment Systems - catch-up on content you may have missed...

Catch-up on content you may have missed during 2020...

Meta-Programming & FIX Orchestra

Shakti - replacement for kdb+ ? And MQTT

MQTT versus SBE : Fight!

Fintech: Why you need thought leadership, not content-light marketing

Why I love Apache Velocity

Fintech Explainer: Pricing

Fintech Explainer: Pricing (part two)

Fintech explainer: What is a smart order router?

Code that writes code (creating kdb+ q and Java from XML and XSD)

Meta-Programming == code that writes code (creating Java code from XML and XSD)

Fintech explainer: Why your fintech is not twitter

Fintech: Forget MVP, MCP is what your would-be clients want...

Fintech Interview: Thomas Kim - CEO, Enfusion

Fintech Interview: Andy Mahoney, Managing Director UK, FlexTrade

Fintech Interview: Matthew Reid, Product Manager, SimCorp

Fintech Interview: Santiago Braje, CEO, Katana Labs

Fintech Interview: Jean-Philippe Malé, CEO, BidFX

John Greenan joins FIX Global Technical Committee Governance Board

And a couple of gifts that keep giving...

Fixed Income Trading: New venues ( How many Fixed Income trading venues are there? )

What's the difference between an EMS and an OMS?
