Fintech Explainer: Pricing

Slightly different focus in this blog post, but one thats essential for any technology business. The tricky subject of pricing. In numerous consulting engagements I have seen firms that have not been able to get their pricing right. But what does right” look like? Lets go back to basics, build some terminology and provide some guidance.

Most technologists only ever consider pricing in the context of buying technology from other firms – not in the much more important task of setting the price of the technology you create. But haggling over the price of a software license you buy will have a much smaller impact on the success of your business than working to establish a coherent and maximising pricing schedule.

Lets look at this with some examples:

A sell-side equity technology vendor charges £x per server module and a user access fee of £y per user per month. Back in 2000 that made sense – since the value to the business was perceived to be in the number of users of the system. Roll forwards a few years as algorithmic trading took hold and the number of sell-side equity traders and sales traders fell. What’s the impact on the vendor? Well, clearly negative during the period that £x and £y are constant. But consider what happens if the vendor aims to hold revenue constant by

  1. (1)  Increasing £x and holding £y constant. The price ratio between client and server changes – the server is relatively more expensive, but it that where the client perceived the value?

  2. (2)  Increasing £x and increasing £y to maintain the ratio of x:y. The price ratio between client and server remains constant. But is that sensible?

  3. (3)  increasing £x and increasing £y to increase y by more than x, expressed as percentages. The price ratio between client and server moves to increase relative price of client. Again, is that sensible?

At this point the dismal science comes into play (yes, your humble author is an Economist by training) and this can could get lost in a maze of optimisation, price frontiers and other dullness that does not really help with the core problem:

“the art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest possible amount of feathers with the smallest possible amount of hissing.” -- Jean-Baptiste Colbert

Which can be rewritten as

“the art of technology pricing consists in setting the price to obtain the largest possible amount of money with the smallest possible amount of hissing within the timeframe that is of interest to the management of the firm.” – Alignment Systems © 2020

And here is where we enter into another part of Economics, the agent/principal problem. The shareholders of a firm have a timeframe in which they view their investment, this may not align with the rewards due to the management. Note that the word management is used above rather than owners, since the owners should have ensured that the management they hired have aligned interests from the word go...

Lets work through a case-study:

Software Vendor XXX

Software Vendor XXX decided to go for growth in sales in a number of key markets. So they went for a classic, simple to explain, naïve strategy. 

  • Hire a bunch of salespeople.
  • Give them a decent expense account.
  • Give them a compensation structure heavily weighted towards commission rather than basic salary
And, as Mark Antony would advocate cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the salespeople of war.

So, what happened next? The sales people acted in their individual best interests and offered discounts to prospective clients. Which are of course diminishing the perceived value of the product on sale. And when the product was not a good fit, so a prospect walked away, not on price grounds but on product fit grounds, they then bullied the software vendor in-house contracts department to offer contractual obligations to deliver functionality in order to win deals.

And then?

Stage One – Sunlight fields of joy

New clients signed deals

New clients started projects

Sales people were paid their substantial commission and rejoiced.

Stage Two – a few patches of cloud on the horizon

Sales people are still happy and getting paid

Some new clients start complaining that feature X is not working properly

Implementation staff are asked to do bits and pieces of development, rather than implementation tasks, but this is kept quiet.

Stage Three – sunny in patches, some rain storms

Sales people are still happy and getting paid
More new clients start complaining that feature X, Y, Z, A, B, C is not working properly

Implementation staff are asked to do more and more pieces of development and this starts to become clearer to all within the vendor

Stage Four – rain storms with the odd sunny spell

Sales people are still happy and getting paid but some have ran out of prospects and sense a change in the weather and quit.

Yet more new clients start complaining that feature X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D, E, F is not working properly

New clients are complaining the projects are overrunning and under-resourced

Some new clients start to talk among themselves and realise there are structural issues

Implementation staff are writing code at client sites that is being emailed to head office and added to the main code base.

Half-baked, often untested (if it compiles, ship it) code is polluting the product in more and more places. Often competing approaches to one problem are merged into a codebase that starts ballooning in size and shrinking in quality.

Stage Five– rain storms with hail

Sales people are quitting in droves.

Most new clients start complaining that feature X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H etc. is not working properly

New clients are complaining the projects are overrunning and under-resourced

New clients start to fire the software vendor

Relationship management staff are hired to try and keep new clients onboard by offering platitudes

Stage Six– a hard rain is fallin

Sales people are mostly gone

Nearly all new clients start complaining that feature X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H etc. is not working properly

New clients have joined forces to present a unified face to the vendor complaining their projects are overrunning and under-resourced

New clients continue to fire the software vendor

Relationship management staff are hired to try and keep new clients onboard by offering lies

Stage Seven – endgame

Sales Director leaves the firm by mutual agreement. Remaining Sales people are fired.

Relationship management staff who were hired to try and keep new clients onboard by offering lies are themselves fired

The polluted and frankly wrecked codebase is locked down and a reversion to a clean, older version is announced.

Nearly all remaining new clients fire the software vendor

Stage Eight – autopsy

A new management team review the situation and establish:
On a new basis the firm lost money on all these deals
The reputational impact on the firm is catastrophic and the firm is not able to sell that product again

The salespeople had committed to a development workload that would take the entire development team more than six years to deliver. With a typical implementation taking around nine months there was no real way to make that work, no squeezing a pint into a half pint pot.

We started off discussing pricing and here we have gone into a case-study of failure – what is the link? Simply put – the link is everything is linked.

Key points:

Pricing, sales, sales remuneration, sales management, project management, product management, client support, implementations - they all need to be considered and reconciled before any pricing models are determined.

Do the people involved in your pricing decisions have alignment with the interests of the management of the firm and ultimately the owners?

An unhappy goose, earlier
