Looking at the number of message, a better comparison is between FIXP and MQTT, since both are essentially session protocols rather than describing what is in the payload (they are not exactly functionally equivalent, but let's keep this at a high level).
So, the evolution of FIX has been a slow moving process of Working Groups, Sub-Committees and Committees which produce release candidates and eventually releases of the protocol.
The most exiting change has been the adoption of FIX Orchestra within the world of FIX and the realisation that there are two parts to any messaging workflow:
- Messages
- The workflow that is associated with those messages
What we see with most messaging protocols is the focus is on (1) and not (2). FIX Orchestra brings (2) front and centre - Orchestra is essentially a workflow orchestration layer that sits on top of FIX. But - crucially, from the day that the name Orchestra was chosen (by your humble author) one of the crucial tenets of Orchestra has been that it's messaging protocol agnostic. So you can use FIX Orchestra with ITCH/OUCH, SBE over FIXP, GPB over FIXP, ASN.1 over FIXP or, as this article describes - MQTT.
Consider the classic MQTT workflow -
Sensor publishes observation - a temperature (within a namespace such as sensor/temperature)
Broker receives the observation
ClientA subscribes to the sensor/temperature namespace and as such receives the observation from the sensor
ClientB subscribes to the sensor/temperature namespace and as such receives the observation from the sensor
ClientB subscribes to the sensor/temperature namespace and as such receives the observation from the sensor
This is pretty much the standard MQTT example that you find with a little use of DuckDuckGo or Bing.
But what if we want so model a more complex workflow? Now you are into the world of FIX Orchestra.
The FIX Trading Community website lists six main Use Cases for FIX Orchestra -
Communicate Communicating your FIX Service to others
Normalize Normalizing inbound FIX flows into your ecosystem
Validate Validating your counterparties compliance with their and your FIX service
Self-Validate Validate your own FIX Service
Provisioning Using Orchestra for Provisioning
Manage FIXatdl Using Orchestra to manage FIXatdl
Consider a Smart City that uses FIX Orchestra - a catalogue of what the City can do. Powerful stuff...
https://www.fixtrading.org/standards/fix-orchestra/ |
MQTT Control Packet
FIX 5.0 Sp2 Tag 35 (MsgType) Valid Values
0 = Heartbeat
1 = TestRequest
2 = ResendRequest
3 = Reject
4 = SequenceReset
5 = Logout
6 = IOI
7 = Advertisement
8 = ExecutionReport
9 = OrderCancelReject
A = Logon
AA = DerivativeSecurityList
AB = NewOrderMultileg
AC = MultilegOrderCancelReplace
AD = TradeCaptureReportRequest
AE = TradeCaptureReport
AF = OrderMassStatusRequest
AG = QuoteRequestReject
AH = RFQRequest
AI = QuoteStatusReport
AJ = QuoteResponse
AK = Confirmation
AL = PositionMaintenanceRequest
AM = PositionMaintenanceReport
AN = RequestForPositions
AO = RequestForPositionsAck
AP = PositionReport
AQ = TradeCaptureReportRequestAck
AR = TradeCaptureReportAck
AS = AllocationReport
AT = AllocationReportAck
AU = Confirmation_Ack
AV = SettlementInstructionRequest
AW = AssignmentReport
AX = CollateralRequest
AY = CollateralAssignment
AZ = CollateralResponse
B = News
BA = CollateralReport
BB = CollateralInquiry
BC = NetworkCounterpartySystemStatusRequest
BD = NetworkCounterpartySystemStatusResponse
BE = UserRequest
BF = UserResponse
BG = CollateralInquiryAck
BH = ConfirmationRequest
BI = TradingSessionListRequest
BJ = TradingSessionList
BK = SecurityListUpdateReport
BL = AdjustedPositionReport
BM = AllocationInstructionAlert
BN = ExecutionAcknowledgement
BO = ContraryIntentionReport
BP = SecurityDefinitionUpdateReport
BQ = SettlementObligationReport
BR = DerivativeSecurityListUpdateReport
BS = TradingSessionListUpdateReport
BT = MarketDefinitionRequest
BU = MarketDefinition
BV = MarketDefinitionUpdateReport
BW = ApplicationMessageRequest
BX = ApplicationMessageRequestAck
BY = ApplicationMessageReport
BZ = OrderMassActionReport
C = Email
CA = OrderMassActionRequest
CB = UserNotification
CC = StreamAssignmentRequest
CD = StreamAssignmentReport
CE = StreamAssignmentReportACK
CF = PartyDetailsListRequest
CG = PartyDetailsListReport
D = NewOrderSingle
E = NewOrderList
F = OrderCancelRequest
G = OrderCancelReplaceRequest
H = OrderStatusRequest
J = AllocationInstruction
K = ListCancelRequest
L = ListExecute
M = ListStatusRequest
N = ListStatus
P = AllocationInstructionAck
Q = DontKnowTradeDK
R = QuoteRequest
S = Quote
T = SettlementInstructions
V = MarketDataRequest
W = MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh
X = MarketDataIncrementalRefresh
Y = MarketDataRequestReject
Z = QuoteCancel
a = QuoteStatusRequest
b = MassQuoteAcknowledgement
c = SecurityDefinitionRequest
d = SecurityDefinition
e = SecurityStatusRequest
f = SecurityStatus
g = TradingSessionStatusRequest
h = TradingSessionStatus
i = MassQuote
j = BusinessMessageReject
k = BidRequest
l = BidResponse
m = ListStrikePrice
n = XML_non_FIX
o = RegistrationInstructions
p = RegistrationInstructionsResponse
q = OrderMassCancelRequest
r = OrderMassCancelReport
s = NewOrderCross
t = CrossOrderCancelReplaceRequest
u = CrossOrderCancelRequest
v = SecurityTypeRequest
w = SecurityTypes
x = SecurityListRequest
y = SecurityList
z = DerivativeSecurityListRequest
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